xin khuyen du con lam ban huu
Lay Chua Gie-su, tu dau khoi thuy
Chua moi thuong dan ghe lai tham nha.
Ho vua den, Ngai don da buoc ra
Ngai moi ho cung dong lao cong tac
Cung nang chen chia vui trong ngay gat.
Ngai long lay vao bac nhat tren tran,
Con nao dam nghi Ngai muon ket than.
Lay Chua quyen nang vo bien vo han.
Xin khuyen du con tro thanh nguoi ban
De con giao du than thiet voi Ngai.
Draw Me into Your Friendship
~ Joseph Tetlow, S.J.
Lord Jesus, from the start
you invite ordinary people to come to where you live.
When they come, you welcome them
and call them to labor and rejoice with you.
You are the most beautiful among all men,
and I hardly believe you want me for your friend.
You are powerful, Lord.
Draw me more and more into your friendship
and lead me along the way you took with friends.
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