doi ca thien-thu tieng me cuoi
Nhac chiec phone len bong lang nguoi
Tieng ai nhu tieng la thu roi
Muoi nam me nhi, muoi nam le
Chi biet am-tham thuong nho thoi
Buoi ay con di chang hen the
Ngua rung xua lac dau son khe
Muoi nam toc me mau tang trang
Trang ca long con luc nghi ve
Me van ngoi dan mot noi buon
Ben doi gio tat voi mua tuon
Con di gop la nghin phuong lai
Dot lua cho doi tan khoi suong
Tieng me nghe nhu tieng nghen-ngao
Tieng Nguoi hay chi tieng chiem-bao
Me xa xoi qua lam sao voi
Biet den bao gio trong thay nhau
Dung khoc me oi hay ran cho
Ngam ngui con se giau trong tho
Dau thuong con viet vao trong la
Hoi am con tim trong giac mo
Nhac chiec phone len bong lang nguoi
Giong buon hon ca tieng mua roi
Vi ma toi doi thoi-gian duoc
Doi ca thien thu tieng me cuoi
Ban dich Anh Ngu
Thanh Thanh
Picking up the handset I was stunned with surprise:
Whose voice as light as falling leaves in cold skies?
Isn't it ten years, ten odd years, dear mother,
Just in silence to miss and long for one another?
I left without any promises or pledges that day:
The old wild horse from its forest-land went astray.
Ten years for Mom's hair to turn mourning white,
And mourning-like my soul also in such a plight.
You've still been sitting there weaving your pain
By an existence of slapping wind and beating rain.
I've set off to set up from all directions a pyre
In order to disperse the mist for life lighting a fire.
Your voice was broken off, you choked up, I found;
Mom's endearing words or mere in-reverie sound?
You are too far, how could I reach out for you?
And when could we meeting again look forward to ?
Do not cry, my dear mother, and continue to await.
All my grief I will hide in the rhymes I create.
Of all my sorrow I will write reams and reams,
And find your warmth my warmth in my dreams.
As I picked up the handset how astounded was I
To hear my mom's voice sadder than the rainy sky!
Should I be able to give up Man's time in hereafter,
I would offer mine to recover my mom's laughter.
Translation by THANH-THANH
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