away - cach xa
Many remember crying with grief
Filled the realms of wishful memories
Is there anything in there forever?
There are no such flowers fade?
Then grief will pass
As many times have separation
In my heart forever lingering
For a period that the lovesick
Come together in this life
Dream drunk fast transient
Where people could not find?
One sad memory spicy whiff
Drifting live stream no return
Who also nostalgically shadow
Dear little numb grief injured
For one day shoulder the burden
Spring flowers on visual flight
Wind put incense across sky
Sweetheart does not have much
Offshore spend romantic realms!
Cach xa
Tac gia: Quoc Hung Nguyen Cao
Khoc cho nhieu voi sau nho
Ky niem day la coi mo
Co dieu chi con mai mai ?
Co hoa nao chang tan phai ?
Roi dau thuong se qua di
Nhu bao lan da chia ly
Trong tim ta hoai vuong van
Cho mot thoi noi tinh si
Den voi nhau trong doi nay
Thoang qua mau giac mong say
Nguoi ve dau tim khong thay ?
Nho ai buon hoi ruou cay
Dong song troi khong tro lai
Con luu luyen bong hinh ai
Chut men thuong sau te tai
Cho mot ngay ganh nang vai
Mua xuan ve nhin hoa bay
Gio dua huong khap troi may
Nguoi yeu ta khong co may
Mong xa khoi coi sum vay !
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Away - Cách Xa