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tam tinh hien dang 31


Trai tim anh.. canh chim mien hoang vu
Da tim ra.. phuong troi moi trong doi mat em
Noi anh binh minh dang bung sang
Noi vuong quoc cua nhung vi tinh tu

Loi anh hat.. dam say trong sau tham mat em

Xin cho anh.. bay vut len troi cao
Trong menh mong bo vo mien hoang vu

Xin cho anh.. xuyen tan nhung man may che phu
Tung doi canh.. dang rong trong mau nang han hoan

Ca bau troi trong doi mat em... 💕

Tho Cu Tagore.. Albert Pho chuyen ngu tu ban tieng Anh.

Bai so 31

Tam Tinh Hien Dang (trich tu: The gardener )

My heart, the bird of the wilderness,
has found its sky in your eyes.

They are the cradle of the morning,
they are the kingdom of the stars.

My songs are lost in their depths.

Let me but soar in that sky,
in its lonely immensity.

Let me but cleave its clouds and
spread wings in its sunshine.

#tagore #albertpho #tuanpm #31

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