tam tinh hien dang 09
Mot minh trong dem vang.. toi den noi hen ho
Gio dung lang.. chim cung ngung tieng hot
Day nha hai ben im ang nhu lang nghe...
Chi con tieng y trang am vang tung buoc chan
Toi boi roi.. nguong ngung...
Toi ngoi lai tren bao lon hen ho.. ngong cho mong nhung buoc chan chang qua
La tren cay sao ngung loi ri rao
Va dong nuoc tinh lang trong long song...
Nhu thanh kiem tren goi nguoi canh giu.. da say giac thiep di
Chi con trai tim toi thon thuc du doi.. biet lam sao cho lang diu.. toi oi... 💕
Chang da toi ngoi ben.. than minh toi rung len buong tha...
Mat nham lai he mo mo ao.. man dem buong voi va
Gio vo tinh thoi tat ngon den khuya...
May keo den che mo nhung vi sao
Chi con vien ngoc quy.. noi bau vu rieng toi.. dang bung toa soi sang
Lam sao giau kin duoc toi oi..... 💕
*Tho Cu Tagore.. Albert Pho dich tu ban tieng Anh.
Tam Tinh Hien Dang
(Trich tu: The Gardener )
Bai so 09
When I go alone at night to my love-tryst, birds do not sing, the wind does not stir, the houses on both sides of the street stand silent.
It is my own anklets that grow loud at every step and I am ashamed.
When I sit on my balcony and listen for his footsteps, leaves do not rustle on the trees,
and the water is still in the river, like the sword on the knees of a sentry fallen asleep.
It is my own heart that beats wildly ⎯ I do not know how to quiet it.
When my love comes and sits by my side, when my body trembles and my eyelids
droop, the night darkens, the wind blows out the lamp, and the clouds draw veils over
the stars.
It is the jewel at my own breast that shines and gives light. I do not know how to hide it.
#Tagore Albert Pho #tuanpm
Bai nay da duoc xem 1216 lan
Nguoi dang:
Tuan Pm
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