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doi la mo phan

Tac gia: Ha Nguyen Du

va hd / dl

doi chan dam suong nghe nhuc nhoi vet phong phai lua hon vang tieng chim dau thon buon nghe boi boi nho vi moi
em thom doi tho tan nu oan khuat am anh mua bao chon von suot suot hoi tho phap phong nho em ky uc
thong reo do danh giac heo cay bung thuong qua em la nu hon ly biet duong le thanh nu nho xuong nui doi
cao nguyen em ruc ngoi ma thong thiet buoi hien dai moi the gioi nuom nuop kieu binh chung duong oai ta cho em
nam tay di ve rang dong co hoa yeu thuong tren cay dau ngo ban tay vay me yeu ot nhung rang ngoi
doi chan dam suong got nut phong ba doi tho nhu cuu tinh bai nhac pho tho em nhu lua kich hoat cho to
lich nhu xe voi oi cau tho vu hoang chuong chung ta mat het chi con nhau mat het va mat het chi con
nhau va chi con nhau neu khong neu khong doi chan dam suong se quy ngang cho mot luan ket “doi la mo phan”
yeu em cao nguyen gio nay suong con phu quanh lanh vai em gay than mong ma ngat hoa anh dao oi em.!!

chin / ham tam / muoi tam


and hd / dl

The inured feet feel sharp pain the burning mark inflames the soul rings the sound of birds chirping at the village front listen to
profuse sadness yearning for the taste of your lips sensing life dying poetry bud of injustice haunting the rain storm flickers through [and]
through the heaving breath of your memories of the wilt sprouts of love which your present is goodbye kisses like tears of the holy virgin
dropping onto hills of the highlands you’re glowing brightly yet pathetically the modern new day of the world flocks with arrogant soldiers as if showing off
I’m waiting for you to hold hands walking towards the day-break horizon with flowers of love on the trees in the alley the hands waving at mom faintingly
the shining inured feet [with] heels cracking the twisted life of poetry like the savior of the poem which set to music you’re like to set fire to the sheet of calendar
being torn oh the line of Vu Hoang Chuong poetry we lost all only left with each other lost it all and lost all [and] only left with each other and only
left of each other if not if not the inured feet will collapsed for a “life is a tomb” ending loving you the highlands at this hour dews still
covering the cold shoulder of your thin slim body but immense with cherry blossom flowers fragrant darling!!

Translated by Tran Vu Lien Tam,

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