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nhung manh vo cuoi thang chap 01

Tac gia: Ha Nguyen Du

tinh nhu cay nghieng!! con mot it re ...
cam giac minh nhu qua chin roi xuong nen mong the he!!
vo tung het chieu kich voc dang...
minh di tim minh manh nat truoc vo vong
tuong den vet sang cac vi sao roi nhieu bui thach nham
coi hut hang nhung khong co su pho thac
khong cac thu than hay the quyen
chi tinh yeu noi trai tim nong bong em
chi uoc vong tu khoi oc tra van anh
cho anh tu vach loi di trong rung thieng day dac
co nhung ngo ngao su quan bach
su leu lao may bo lac
hinh thanh nao noi anh bao nhuc nhoi??
van thay thẹn minh khi mo mat chao anh mai
khi bat day biet minh con tho !!

2. hon nam muoi nam huu hinh ...
chi lam toan viec hu khong!!
van co tap hon minh nhu chiec phao
khi trai tim dau va nang nhu da chim day lung!!
khi hon mang la chiec gay thoc vao banh xe ta dang quay em tu than coi rac ren va ac quy !!
coi bien ta thanh nhung ten tu luong tam
thanh nhung ten di dan sung nho que huong!!
mai xiet ren voi nghiet oan va nghich ly!!
nhung luc nhuc nghich ly luon cua quay ...
nhung lenh nghenh ngang nguoc dang hoanh hanh ...
va oi! em lam gi cho anh ?
anh lam gi cho em ?
thit da nay cua tinh yeu hay chat lieu ngoi thuoc no ?
ta treo hanh phuc nhu mot giai thuong dat gia ...
dat mua xuan nhu tro choi game ...
cau nguyen riet roi cung thay moi met!! ...
mo em nhu hat phan huong
de moi lan hon em anh hit vao cho tron vẹn ... ...
anh mo thit da em nhu trai tao de anh nhai cho gon
moi khi minh may mua ...
tuong bien ca cung la em!
ngo song nui cung la em!
the gioi song co gi khong ma noi thien dang??
ma ban dia nguc ??

3. va ngan nam va tram nam
nhung loi nhung ngo nhung cua nhung dong
nhung cau truc lich lam
nhung cau truc khac nghiet
nhung cau truc ac quai
nhung cau truc toi hai dua buoc ta di ve dau ...??
rang buoc ta the nao ...??
hoi em cua tinh yeu va thu han!
cua nanh vuot va van minh
cua cuong tin va nhan danh
han chung minh khong con le de khoc...
ca dang hay sau khi doi toa thap do !!
cung bao chuyen gi se xay ra ...
su tai cau tai truc cua ai goi la loai nguoi ??
cua ai goi la van minh ...??

4. doi la chung minh sap het mau xanh
lai con lam bo sau dang bo tren cay
thoi gian dinh cho ta con so nao goi la menh??
minh biet minh chang con bao nua lia canh??
sao em con ngoi ngong sao cho trang??
de muc do yeu co luc tuong nhu xuong vach chot
hay chinh no len den dinh di chu em ?!
va co de mai do den khi the gioi nay...
o dau cung co hoa binh... ...
va dieu do se khong bao gio xay ra
va chung minh phai buong xuoi c
ho muc do yeu thang tram...

Tho Ha Nguyen Du
Translated by Bach X. Phe


Love is like a leaning tree.
With some roots left...
I feel like the ripe fruit is falling, yielding to the next generations!
Busted with all dimensions...
I search for my own fragments, hopelessly
Think of stars streaking with lava dust
The realms are imperfect but there is no surrender
There are no Gods nor supreme power
Only love in your warm heart
And the desire from your body and mind to interrogate
let me find my own way in this dense, sacred forest
there are miserable things
ah, indifferent tribes
that form many aches and pains in me?
Still embarrassed when I opened my eyes to greet the sunshine
When I wake up, I know I'm still alive--breathing!

Over fifty tangible years...
just do all the things that go into the emptiness!!
Still trying to train my soul like a floating device
when my heart hurts and, heavy like stone, sinks to the endless bottom!!
When chaos is like a stick--poking into the wheel that’s spinning
and when you exclaim the realms of garbage and evil!!
Realms turn us into prisoners of conscience
turn these in diaspora who miss their homeland!!
Forever groaning with grief and paradoxes!!
Those times when paradoxes are always stirring...
and these movements are raging...
and, oh! What do you do for me?
What do I do for you in return?
This flesh of love or the material—the fuse of dynamite
I hang on happiness like a prized reward...
And your spring years as a game...
I prayed so hard and I got tired too!!
... I dream of you as a pollen grain
so that every time I kiss you, I will breathe in fully...
... I dream of your flesh like an apple
Let me have it all whenever we make love
I thought the sea was you, too!
And the mountain is also you!
Is there anything in the world? Who to say heaven?
Nor discuss hell?

And thousands of years
and hundreds of years
alleys, paths, gates, or caves
these elegant structures
harsh structures
evil structures
indescribable structures
leading us where?
Or how they are binding us...??
Oh, my dear of love and of hatred!
Of fangs and civilization
of fanaticism and humanities
we must have no more tears to cry...
For now or after the towers have collapsed!!
and what will happen...
The reconstruction of what we called mankind?
Of those who are called civilization...??

Our life is just like the leaves that are changing from green
Yet there are still bugs crawling all over the trees
What timeframe is the number that called our destiny?
I know I don't have much more time to live
Why are you still sitting there—watching the stars or waiting for the moon?
Our love sometimes seems to be at the bottom
please adjust it to raise to the top
and keep trying until in this world...
peace is everywhere...
... and that will never happen
and we have to surrender to our love.

Tho Ha Nguyen Du
Translated by Bach X. Phe

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