tuan luu hoat
(tho Ha Nguyen Du – Translated by Khoe Bach)
thu hai
con nhu nguoi van ben tai
con nhu huong dong tren vai hen ho
em hong nhan chap au lo
ta nhen nhum lai uoc mo dau tuan
ba muoi nam buoc phu van
nhung vinh nhuc, nhung lan khan, nuc cuoi
as if you were still next to me
I can still feel and smell your perfume on my shoulder
You are beautiful and full of worries
I rekindled a dream of the first day of the week
Thirty years of life is like a free drifting cloud
There are honors, humiliation, happiness, stress, and laughter
thu ba
con chim nao hot sang nay?
mieng ta bong huyt sao dai nhu chim!
con mo nao u ngan tim?
noi xua niem cu luan phien day vo!
da roi hoa giai nen tho?
cho ta song than ben bo vuc den?
Which bird is singing this morning?
I suddenly make a long whistle like the bird!
Which dreams are brewing in my heart?
Old, tormented things, aged memories echoing the sting of remorse
Then, then I transform them into poems
So that I can live a simple life beside the deep, dark edge
thu tu
ruon len nua doan duong gai
ruong thien dia may ma cay quanh nam?
ai nhu kiep bac dau tam?
con nghe thac do song gam lien tu
mac cong van den khinh phu!
van chieu ba dao dim tu thoi noi!!
Trying to live--halfway in this difficult life
How many holy fields to plow year round?
Still listening to the waterfall roaring intermittently
Working hard these years just to despise!
Still using badass acts from the cradle year!!
thu nam
ung len roi, tia hung dong
than chim di tru am long giat xieu
mong dau voc hac huong kieu
cho dau to nu ta diu, weekend
bao gio gio dua dieu len?
de lo soi chi dut tren lung troi!
Oh, dawn, the rays of sunshine
This body of migratory birds--warmness in a drifting heart.
Looking forward to the crane scent of a pretty mate
A beautiful date on the weekend
When will the wind lift the kite?
Still worrying over a broken thread in the back of the sky!
thu sau
trong nhu hoa no vuon xanh
ngo nhu buom trang von quanh nu hong
o hay! ngay quang may trong
gac qua ganh nghiet dang cong lung dau
goi nguoi, den tan chim bao...
giai nhan, bang huu hen nhau boi vi.. ?
Ah, the flowers are blooming in the green garden
Looking at a white butterfly playing around the rose bud
Oh! A beautiful, clear day
Letting go of the heavy duties on my shoulder
Call my dear, calling dreams and hopes
Loves, families and friends, we are here for what…?
thu bay
beautiful, saturday
I have loved it, I say...her... and...
em con ngay ngay huong, men
ta tam thuc ngo, tu then cua long
huong ve mua bao ben song!
huong ve chau chau can xong mua mang!
hen em, hoa ngat dia dang
cung vui cho canh chim ngan, loi bay
Beautiful Saturday
I have loved it, I say... her... and...
She is still found in the moment of ecstasy, of happiness
And my mind awakens--a reality, from the heart hasp
Thinking of the storm ahead, besides the still river!
Thinking about the grasshoppers destroying the crops!
While dating her, a heavenly flower blossoms
The happiness of a migratory bird, still finding its paths
chu nhat
ngay mua, ngay nang cho cay
ngay hoa ket trai , ngay gay chut tinh
ngay xua dem, khoi binh minh
ngay soi guong tu, ngay minh voi tha
ngay cho nhau, ngay thang hoa
ngay len tieng goi, ngay qua tiec ngay
Rainy day, sunny day for trees and all
A day of fruition, a day of love
Day chases night, and dawn rises
A day of reunion, a day of togetherness
A day for each other--giving and loving, a day of success
A calling to live each day fully, a day that passes is an unforgivable day.
(trich trong tap Anh Biet, Em Yeu Dau – in 2001)
Khoe Bach – Translated (Nov 30/19)
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