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* quyen ru bay gio.

Tac gia: Ha Nguyen Du
* chup bat tho (17) (tho song ngu, xem ban dich phia duoi)

"giua hien dai, tim ve tho co
them cho hon... hien lo tinh hoa "

* quyen ru bay gio.!!

cung tat bien, la cau xua cu...
bien tat thong, "quyen ru bay gio"
ta tim ta bat, trong tho...
nhung con sau chu, lo mo "ra ria"
duong truong, ta chac chan hia
kiem cung hao khi, de Bia Mo minh...

noi khi tiet, rap rinh ngu dai
phan no kia, la cai ho doi.!!
ai ve toi lai, cai toi
xung chang tam voc, bao doi tien nhan.!?
nen khong... cai goi sinh phan!?
nghin nam kim co, luon can tinh hoa

bao sac dang, lua la show up...
quanh van nghi, bam dap ai luong
cai thung rong, giong khinh chuong...
mua may loi la, tich tuong ghetto

ta song that, khong du khong long
mac nhan tinh, ao xong xenh xang...
em con khinh bac, trong vang...
cung nen nho nhe, khe khang ben nhau...

song the thai, bac cau qua de
co chi em cau ne, lam ban??
hay nen, lat lay tung trang.!!
tim cau hien thanh, kho tang danh nhan...

ta gay canh, bao lan sinh tu
em hay tin va thu di nao.!?
keo khong, se han se dau
keo khong trach cu, guc dau an nan...

ta khong phai mot thang, ngheo chu.(!!!)
co chi em, do du doi duong??
nen ve hoc lay chu Thuong...
hieu nhau hai chu, la duong vo chieu.!!

Ha Nguyen Du

Modern Seduction

"In the middle of modernity, looking for ancient poetry
to enhance the soul and manifest its quintessence”

At the end, is the old saying...
The end is the new beginning, "seducing now"
we find out in the poetry...
There are worms that are drowsily "marginalized"
in the long road of life, with these feet and hands
we are building our legacies, our tombstones…

In these spontaneous impulses, sometimes displacing the stupidity
our anger and hatred, it's a pitfall of life!!
Don't be a slave to our egos
worthy stature, generations of predecessors!
Shall we... our destiny!?
For thousands of years, new and old, we always need quintessence

Many forms and essences just show up...
All doubts and expectations
the box is empty, the bell is screeching...
Flirtatious dance, what a cumbersome ghetto

Just live real, not too fancy or gorgeous
even though others might be hankering in their displacement
one might still despise silver and value gold...
Just do it softly, and quietly to those who are liked-minded…

The river of life is easy to cross
to more foolish excuses or discussions??
Just turn over page by page!!
Find the holy word, treasure of the famed elders…

I broke my wings many times in this life and death
please believe me and try it!
If not, one might be hurt and resentful
if not, there is no blame or repentance...

I'm not a guy who is poor in words (!!!)
Excuse me, why do you still hesitate?
So I came back and learned the word LOVE.
Practice these two words: Love and Understanding; it’s the best thing you can ever do.

Luot dich boi: Bach X. Phe

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