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chan ly ma ton giao biet duoc...

Tac gia: Mr.Smile
Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Galileo...Tat ca thien tai trong cac linh vuc khac va cac bac giac ngo khac nhu Duc Phat, Chua Giesu, Lao Tu...Toi nghi ho la nguoi song rat ton giao, ton giao ma toi muon noi o day khong phai la ton giao ma cac ban dang theo, ton giao o day la ho di rat sau vao trong ban the cua minh de kham pha ra moi thu do la tam linh...nhu vay khoa hoc cung chi la do ton giao sang tao ra, khoa hoc mai theo sau de chung minh, khong the cham toi cai chan ly ma ton giao biet duoc...

Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Galileo ... All geniuses in other fields and enlightened beings like Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu ... I think they are very religious and religious people I want to say here is not the religion you are following, the religion here is that they go very deep into their being to discover everything that is spirituality... so science is just created by religion, science always follows to prove, cannot touch the truth that religion knows ...

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