phuoc lanh tren con duong
Moi buoc ban di, phuoc lanh lai gap ban.
No doi bao doi ma chua thay ban dau
Hay nhin that ky cho thay ro nhiem mau
Tien nhan da di tren loi nay truoc ban
Sinh no ra bang nghi luc va uom mo
Det nen no tu mot hy vong xua co
Kha di giup ho di tiep tan bay gio
Va da phong duong khi chua co chi ca
Nhin se thay on phuoc nay van chua xong,
Rang ban la mot doan duong dang dang do,
La tieng keu o noi hoang dia menh mong
La canh tay mo hoan nghenh con duong do.
Blessing the Way
With every step
you take,
this blessing rises up
to meet you.
It has been waiting
long ages for you.
Look close
and you can see
the layers of it,
how it has been fashioned
by those who walked
this road before you,
how it has been created
of nothing but
their determination
and their dreaming,
how it has taken
its form
from an ancient hope
that drew them forward
and made a way for them
when no way could be
Look closer
and you will see
this blessing
is not finished,
that you are part
of the path
it is preparing,
that you are how
this blessing means
to be a voice
within the wilderness
and a welcome
for the way.
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