celebrate wonder - hay mung dieu ky dieu
Creator of wintry ice and snow,
The untamed winds of frosted winter
Cough their way into penetrating coldness.
Heavy snowflakes swirl wildly everywhere.
You invite us to witness this fresh beauty,
To lessen complaint about its inconvenience.
You speak to grumbling hearts in this season:
"Celebrate the wonder of what is before you.
Abandon your schedules and organized plans.
Settle into the long wintry evenings of quiet
And sip the good red wine of my contentment.
Hoi Dang sinh nen mua dong tuyet bang,
Nhung con cuong phong cua mua dong gia
Chung rit tung con buot thau tam can
Hoa tuyet bay bay khap noi la cha
Ngai moi con ngam buc tranh tuyet my.
Hau bot di tieng than van keu ca.
Ngai bao nhung trai tim dang ren ri
Hay an mung ky cong truoc mat ta
Dung quan tam toi thoi gian chi ca
Buong bo di bao hoach dinh lo toan
Hay ngoi day nhung toi dong em a
Va sang khoai nham nhi chen ruou ngon.
Bai nay da duoc xem 525 lan
Nguoi dang:
Sa Thi
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Celebrate Wonder - Hãy Mừng Điều Kỳ Diệu