anh cau nguyen cho doi minh
Giua ngay mua anh mo ve ngay nang
Anh mo em nguoi em nho diu dang
Anh cau nguyen cho doi minh tinh lang
Em la than tien mau nhiem dia dang
Anh yeu em thuong em menh mang
Anh mo em nguoi em nho tuyet voi
Anh cau nguyen cho doi minh tuoi sang
Em la binh minh lap lanh rang ngoi
Biet on em ngan doi em oi
Anh mo em nguoi em nho dieu ky
Anh cau nguyen cho doi dieu voi
Em la tinh yeu dep de xuan thi
Anh tang em chan tinh am thi
Anh mo em nguoi em nho ngot ngao
Anh cau nguyen cho doi minh tri ky
Em la bao la vu tru rat dat dao
Tran Minh Hien Orlando ngay 11 thang 3 nam 2022
Sometimes I see myself as an universe
The planets and stars oscillate inside my soul
You are really amazing black whole to disperse
I am really the galaxy never been told
Sometimes I change my mind for everything unfold
Love is ridiculously insane
You are really amazing tree too bold
I am really the ocean of painful pain
Sometimes I see myself as faithful rain
Inundating everywhere that is not so great
You are really my anything to refrain
I am really nothing berate
Sometimes I want to love you as if I am dying to debate
Life is so bitter but death is not better
You are really my amazing bate
I am really your absolute fighter
Tran Minh Hien Orlando March 11, 2022
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