{tl} bien gio thoang bon mua !
Bien Gio Thoang Bon Mua, The Sea of Gentle Winds of Four Seasons !
Trang tron thoang thoang rung tram
Bon mua mua nang , toa hao chua chan.
Gio thoang muon nam , song vo
Mua mua, ruoi hat mat chum hoa
Bien menh mong may mau xam
Bay lenh denh cuon cuon nuoc rieu rieu
Dao bien nuoc xanh bieng biec
Ca dai duong phan phat gio moi mien
Chieu thang sau , nang chua chang
Huong hoa thom ngat , dong dua tren canh
Tieng Ho Mien Dat Phuong Nam
Gio phi phieu bat, trang len tu be.
Khac tron han suong ngan la
Chieu dua gon song , hoang du luon tang
Thenh thang vat bong be bang
Choang ngap con gio tau kia khuat dan /
The full moon floats in the Melaleuca forest
Four seasons, rainy and sunny , full of glory
Long-lasting breeze, crashing waves
Seasonal rain, cool seeds and bunches of fresh flowers
The sea is full of gray clouds
Floating and rolling in the water
Sea island with blue water
The ocean reflects the wind in all directions
June afternoon, full of sunshine
Fragrant flowers, winter on the branches
Singing of the Land of the South
The wind is drifting , the moon is on all sides.
Round engraving of thousands of leaves
Afternoon brings ripples, wild wandering floors
Spread the humiliation of the ball
Surrounded by the wind, the ship fades away /
Sunday 5 /29/ 2022
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