toi doc sach
By Julia Donaldson
I opened a book and in I strode
Now nobody can find me.
I’ve left my chair, my house, my road,
My town and my world behind me.
I’m wearing the cloak, I’ve slipped on the ring,
I’ve swallowed the magic potion.
I’ve fought with a dragon, dined with a king
And dived in a bottomless ocean.
I opened a book and made some friends.
I shared their tears and laughter
And followed their road with its bumps and bends
To the happily ever after.
I finished my book and out I came.
The cloak can no longer hide me.
My chair and my house are just the same,
But I have a book inside me.
Toi lat cuon sach tung trang, buoc vao
Chang ai bay gio tim thay toi dau
Cai ghe, ngoi nha luon ca con duong
Pho thi, the gioi, bo lai phia sau
Mac ao phu thuy, toi chui qua nhan
Nuot phai bua me, rong toi cung danh
Toi da an toi voi bac de vuong
Toi lan xuong day bien sau vo tan
Toi cung nhan vat ket moi tam giao
Chia se tieng cuoi va ngan le trao
Qua nhung neo duong gap ghenh, uon khuc
Dong hanh cung nhau tim chan hanh phuc
Xong trang sach cuoi, toi buoc tro ra
Chiec ao phu thuy tan phai phep ta
Cai ghe, ngoi nha van y nhu cu
Nhung toi, cuon sach nhap vao chang ra.
Tran Duc Pho phong dich
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