duyen phan
Sang nay, toi vua duoc doc tren mang mot bai tho tinh de thuong va y nghia, rat hop voi ‘gu’ cua toi, tu mot nu thi si duong dai nguoi Anh. Xin phep tac gia de phong dich chia se cung moi nguoi.
1. THO
By Becky Hemsley
one night a star exploded
and it split right in to two
and each part became a person one was me
and one was you
we shimmered down to Earth
and lived our individual lives
but one day serendipity
decided we'd collide
your face felt so familiar
and every time you spoke
it sounded like a harmony
a song I'd always known
it was like you were an ocean that
I wanted to explore
but the waves I surfed, the depths I swam
I felt I'd swum before
it was Just like I knew
nothing and yet everything
as well as if me getting to know you
helped me get to know myself
I think the universe intended
and had planned it along
to return me to your ocean
to your face and to your song
see, it's not that you completed me
for I was never half
but it seems the stardust in our souls
could not be kept apart
Tran Duc Pho phong dich
mot dem vi sao vo
thanh ra hai manh doi
mot nguoi la em do
va ke kia la toi
ca hai roi xuong dat
song cach rieng biet nhau
nhung mot ngay duyen phan
xui khien ho va vao!
dung nhan em quen thuoc
thanh am chang la xa
moi lan em thua thot
nghe nhu dieu dan ca
em nhu la bien rong
toi muon biet nong, sau
nhung luc toi luot song
y chang boi thuo nao
giong nhu toi co biet,
va nhu khong moi dieu,
hieu em la se giup
toi hieu toi rat nhieu
toi tin rang vu tru
da du tinh tu lau
cho toi duoc gap lai
em, bien, bai ca dao…
chang phai em dau nhe,
giup toi vo lai lanh!
nhung la hon hat bui
gan ket duyen chung minh.
Viet truoc cho ngay 14/5/2023
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