khong và vo cục
“Without wisdom, emptiness is form. With it, emptiness is emptiness.” Le Huy Tru
“Vo tri tue, khong la sac. Co no, khong la khong.”
“With ignorance, form is emptiness. Without it, emptiness is emptiness.” Le Huy Tru
“Co vo minh, sac la khong. Khong co no, khong la khong.”
“Khong tri tue, khong gi la co. Co no, khong gi la khong co.”
“Without wisdom, nothing is existent. With it, nothing is none existent.” Le Huy Tru
“Voi vo minh, khong gi la co the. Khong co no, khong gi la khong co the.”
“With ignorance, nothing is possible. Without it, nothing is impossible.” Le Huy Tru
Vi vay,
“Ro rang, khong co gi khong the xay ra hom nay.” Le Huy Tru dich
“Apparently, there is nothing that cannot happen today.” Mark Twain
Cau hoi lon nhat trong khoa hoc, triet hoc, va ton giao la vinh hang (eternity) va Khong (emptiness,) chan khong va vo han, zero va vo cuc tuong tu nhu cong an Chan Nhu va Niet Ban trong Phat Giao.
William C. Gough, “Yet, the biggest questions in science, philosophy, and religion are about nothingness and eternity, the void and the infinite, zero and infinity.”
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