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tuong nho cha

Tac gia: Yen Son
Thanh kinh dang huong hon Cha yeu men

Con len phi co bay ve vung bien
Bong nho thuong cha nuoc mat tuon tran
Thang Tu nao khi quoc bien gia tan
Con bo xu lai tau bay ve bien

Con xa me lia cha vi cuoc chien
Bao nhieu nam suong gio dan day
De dau thuong tran khap mot ngay
Con dau biet do la lan vinh biet

Con nao biet !
Cha oi con nao biet
Cha soat tung giot mau tro ve tim

Bao nhieu nam qua mon moi trong tim
Van thap thom "con da den no nuoc"

Cha oi cha !
Mot ngay khong quen duoc
Nhan hung tin cha lia bo coi doi
Con chet lim trong long ma le khong roi
Con muon khoc sao bat cuoi hoang dai

Muoi tam nam sau khong lan tro lai
No que huong chua tra noi den bay gio
Dat khach que nguoi lac long bo vo
Ngay tiep noi ngay chi vi com ao

Cha oi cha !
Long con giong bao
Nhung loi cha khuyen ben lai thanh vong
Quan chat tim con, ty vet trong long
De nhieu luc bam moi ruom mau

"Dat nuoc dieu tan lam trai phan dau
Co tro nen nguoi huu dung cho doi
Ngang cao dau lam trai Viet con oi
Guong dam luoc cua tien nhan con do"

Cha oi cha con van hang tran tro
Song luu vong nuoi hy vong quay ve
Nhung nam qua thang lai e che
Toc da bac ma trung duong van ly

Cay bat goc mot phan tu the ky
Than cay heo kho trong o xu nguoi
Co que huong ma chang co mot noi
Khong co loi cho con tro ve tru an

Con len phi co bay ve bien
Ve Atlanta ma ngo xuong Vung Tau
Con bang hoang nen chat con dau
So bat khoc mau se trao theo le tham

reverently dedicated to my dear Dad's spirit

Whilst boarding the aircraft to fly towards the ocean
I sudenly pitied my father, tears flowing out of emotion.
When that April national calamity forced me to flee
I left our country piloting my plane to the se?

Parted from parents because of the bloodshed,
So many years in high wind and heavy rain overhead
And finally came flooded with distress one day aaa
I did not know it was the last goodbye for ever to say!

Oh, dear Dad, how could I know, on your part
You wished each drop of blood to return to your heart.
So many years you had desperately inquired after me
Anxiously fearing a "killed in action" notice to se?

Oh, dear Dad! I shall never forget that bad day
I learned the sad news that you had passed away:
I became numb with grief, tears unable to stream;
I wanted to cry but burst into mad laugh and scream.

For eighteen years afterwards, I have not once returned
And have neither fulfilled citizen obligations so yearned.
In this foreign land how I feel an unsuitable location:
Days after days only to think of means of sustentation.

Oh, dear Dad! innermostly a tempest arises; it boils;
Your precious admonition has since spinned into coils
To tie tightly around my heart, imprint in my mind,
So that times I compress my lips blood to ooze to bind.

"The country is in ruins! To strive to be a worthy man
You must try to become useful through your life's span!
Hold your head up, my son! to be a Viet youth, an heir
To our ancestors' heroic examples that are still there!"

Oh, dear Dad! I have always pondered on my concern
About living in exile but nurturing the hope of return.
However days passed and months elapsed, shamefast,
My hair has turned grey but the ocean is still vast.

Like a tree for a quarter of a century uprooted already
Now replanted in a foreign region, how hard to steady!
Having a homeland but not having a space
For me to get back to find a sheltering place!

I boarded the plane to head towards the waves
To go to Altlanta but felt as to Vung Tau that craves...
I was staggered and tried to restrain my pain
For fear of bursting into tears mixed with blood stain.

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