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thiet tha tinh yeu thao thuc tan tuong

Tac gia: Tran Minh Hien
Nghe lang dang tieng duong cam thanh thot
Dong thoi gian hiu hat den vo cung
Tim dau nhoi ben kia doi mat ngot
Quay quat nguon con, ngay ngat bao bung

Dem reo rat dem la lung uot sung
Ngay menh mong ngay lap lanh mo ho
Anh van vay ve nhung mua sai dung
Em vo tu ca khuc hat song ho

Nghe mong mi vo ve tung con so
Thang thot hu vo, sung sot thien duong
Em co biet co hoang vung tuyet lo
Mot dong song me dam vo thuong

Tren bo cat cua bien vang cao thuong
Con thuyen bang khuang ngon gio me cuong
Tung ky niem nhat nhoa ngan phuong huong
Thiet tha tinh yeu , thao thuc tan tuong
tran minh hien orlando ngay 17 thang 6 nam 2013
I am looking for the ultimate goal of time
Everything comes and goes in the number of prime
Don't you see the sense of sweetness of lime
We will need to reform ourselves to become the chime

Do you seek for long-waiting friend returns
The ocean is full of surprises and the universe is full of unexpected turns
Tomorrow never leaves us unless we abandon the meaning of aurora
Yesterday comes back to our stories to be our very own nostalgia
tran minh hien orlando June 17, 2013

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