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so dien thoai cua thien duong

Is Heaven In The Yellow Page?
By Donna (Groleau) Hoover
Mommy went to Heaven
But I need her here today,
My tummy hurts and I fell down,
I need her right away.
Operator can you tell me
how to find her in this book?
Is heaven in the yellow part,
I don't know where to look.
I think my daddy needs her too,
at night I hear him cry.
I hear him call her name sometimes,
but I really don't know why.
Maybe if I call her,
she will hurry home to me.
Is Heaven very far away,
is it across the sea?
She's been gone a long, long time
she needs to come home now!
I really need to reach her,
but I simply don't know how.
Help me find the number please,
is it listed under "Heaven"?
I can't read these big, big words,
I am only seven.
I'm sorry operator,
I didn't mean to make you cry,
Is your tummy hurting too,
or is there something in your eye?
If I call my church
maybe they will know.
Mommy said when we need help,
that's where we should go.
I found the number to my church
tacked up on the wall.
Thank you operator,
I'll give them a call.

Translate by Donna Nguyen/Mai Hong Thu
Thien dang so may???

Me con da don ve troi
Con lai can me ben doi hom nay
Bung dau, con lai te tray
Con can me voi ban tay diu hien

Tong dai : xin hay lam phien
Cho con xin so me hien duoc khong?
Thien Dang so may ha ong?
Con dang tim mai ma khong duoc nao

Cha con cung rat sau dau
Trong dem goi me, nghen ngao tiec thuong
Uoc gi so me to tuong
Con  goi, me se len duong ve tham

Thien Dang mot coi xa xam
Cach ngan bao bien? bao nam xa roi
Ve mau hoi me yeu oi
Con tim so me, giua doi bo vo

Con dang tim me ngan ngo
Con dang can me tung gio me oi
Thien dang so may? hoi doi
Than con nho be, chu thoi qua to

Tong dai xin hay dum lo
Giup cho con nhe goi cho me ve
Hay ong cung thay e che?
Ruot gan dau that nao ne, cho vo?

Hay con phai goi nha Tho?
Nhu loi me dan, Chua cho giang tay
O hay! so ay day nay
Cam on ong nhe, con day goi lien....

Thien dang, voi bong me hien
Xin mau boi xoa uu phien con mang


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