thong moc ke da
Tu trong ke da thong troi len
Phai trai khong ai dung canh ben
Tro troi co don khong chan nan
Om nhom com coi chang buon phien
Nang choi chang lam thong met la
Gio tung hoi thoi no xieu nghieng
Roi ngay kia bao xo thong nga
Du khach buon nghe phien da ren.
Inspired by a scene at Sequoia on a camping trip, July 2017:
A skinny pine on a stony mountain
Grown alone
No buddy around above or below
Yet its lively beauty is no trivial
Its position is not an importance
Since its role is far more crucial
It makes the forests pretty
It renders the nature lively
Without it there remain only boredom and dullness.
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