ho bia 1
Toi muon mot ho bia tien vua ca
Muon Thien Than Chua uong mai doi doi
Toi muon dung bua duc tin thanh thien
Moi chu vi tren troi den nha choi
Muon vai day binh an dang cac Dang
Ca ham ruou xot thuong dai cac Ngai
Ho nang ly long day tran hoan hi
Duc Giesu cung o do chung vui
Ba ba Mary den day gop mat
Ke sang hen te tuu tu muon noi.
Phong dich tu bai tho Ho Bia cua Thanh Nu Brigid cua Ireland:
I should like a great lake of beer for the King of Kings.
I should like the angels of Heaven to be drinking it through time eternal.
I should like excellent meats of belief and pure piety.
I should like the men of Heaven at my house.
I should like barrels of peace at their disposal.
I should like for them cellars of mercy.
I should like cheerfulness to be their drinking.
I should like Jesus to be there among them.
I should like the three Marys of illustrious renown to be with us.
I should like the people of Heaven, the poor, to be gathered around from all parts.
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