song chieu que, bien cat trang !
song chieu que, bien cat trang
nho nhung ngay Hoai Niem bien va ta.
nhin xa xa , bai bien tu ( hao )
ngon gio thoi , dua tuoi tho , di mai .
nguoi con gai, ( di ) tran xe cat.
bien long sau , cong , ghe , ca tom , nhieu.
tinh lang man , ( M ) mai yeu kieu
doi bien ca, trang dem , hoai khac khoai !
Sunday , November 18/2018
Living Sea of Countryside!
Beach waves, white sand
miss the day of the sea dream and me.
Looking far away, the beach itself (moat)
the wind blows, bringing childhood, go forever.
the girl, (di) overflowing sand.
deep sea, cuffs, crabs, fish, shrimp.
love, (M) forever love
sea, night moon, nostalgic!
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