{tl} chieu cuu long giang !
Chieu Cuu Long , Hau Giang, song nuoc
Gio do dua song vo song que
Chin nhanh song , dieu dan nuoc chay.
Hau Giang oi ? van dep ngan doi.
Say tinh, khoan thai, xuong ba la.
Dang chong cheo, luot thuoc duoi song
Chieu Hau Giang, trang mo dieu doi
O chieu ta, huong thoang dong song.
Afternoon Cuu Long, Hau Giang, river water
Wind whipped the river
Nine branches of the river, marvelous flowing water.
Hey Hau Giang? Thousands of beautiful still life.
Love affair, tolerance, dinghy.
Rowing, surfing in the river
Afternoon Hau Giang, moon dim magic
In the afternoon, the river is open.
Thursday, April 2/2020
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