tuoi gia (growing old)
Growing Old
Translated by Sarah Rose
From the original "Im Altwerden" by Hermann Hesse
To be young and to do good is easy,
and to be removed from everything cruel;
but to smile when your heartbeat just creeps,
that takes learning.
And whoever succeeds is not old,
he is still brightly aflame
and bends the poles of the world
together with the power of his fist.
Because we see death waiting there,
let’s not stand still.
We want to go meet it,
we want to drive it out.
Death is neither here nor there,
it stands on all paths.
It’s inside you and inside me
whenever we betray life.
Con tre giup nguoi dau kho chi
Vo cong tranh viec moi la ky
Nhung roi tim dap khong con chuan
Muon cuoi phai biet cach thich nghi
Ai thanh cong nguoi ay chang gia
Van con sang ruc ngon duoc hoa
Van con xoay chuyen can khon duoc
Cung voi nam tay khoe khoan kia
La boi hieu ra chuyen tu sinh
Dung nen mot cho dung yen binh
Chung ta doi mat cung sinh tu
Va cho luc nao cung hai kinh
Than chet khong gan, chang xa xoi
Dung ngay ben canh moi neo roi
O ngay trong ban, trong toi do
Luc chung ta phan boi cuoc doi
Tran Duc Pho dich
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