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thi si va nhung bai tho

The poet and his songs
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

As the birds come in the Spring,
We know not from where;
As the stars come at evening
From depths of the air;

As the rain comes from the cloud,
And the brook from the ground;
As suddenly, low or loud,
Out of silence a sound;

As the grape comes to the vine,
The fruit to the tree;
As the wind comes to the pine,
And the tide to the sea;

As come the white sails of ships
O'er the ocean's verge;
As comes the smile to the lips,
The foam to the surge;

So come to the Poet his songs,
All hitherward blown
From the misty realm, that belongs
To the vast unknown.

His, and not his, are the lays
He sings; and their fame
Is his, and not his; and the praise
And the pride of a name.

For voices pursue him by day,
And haunt him by night,
And he listens, and needs must obey,
When the Angel says: "Write!"

Chim ve khi xuan den
Chang biet tu chon nao
Ban dem thi sao hien
Tit tren bau troi cao

Mua roi tu dam may
Bui ram moc tu dat
Dot ngot tieng bong, tram
Phat ra tu lang cam

Chum nho treo tren gian
Trai cay noi nhanh la
Gio thoi reo thong ngan
Trieu len do bien ca

Con tau giuong buom trang
Tren dai duong bao la
Nu cuoi tren moi tham
Song luon bot vo oa

Thi si sang tac tho
Tu mot coi huyen hoac
Chung ao den khong ngo
Tu menh mong chang biet

Tho cua ai cung mac
Cu ngam va tung ca
Khi nha tho thu dac
Thanh danh chang kho la

Ngay, tieng long bam riet
Dem, loi tho hien ve
Luc nang tho bao: “Viet”
Ngon but trao dam me.

Tran Duc Pho dich

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