thang nam (may)
by Sara Teasdale
The wind is tossing the lilacs,
The new leaves laugh in the sun,
And the petals fall on the orchard wall,
But for me the spring is done.
Beneath the apple blossoms
I go a wintry way,
For love that smiled in April
Is false to me in May.
Gio thoi dinh huong bay tu tung
La non duoi nang khe reo mung
Ben tuong nhung canh hoa vuong vai
Ma voi em thi xuan dung dung
Duoi goc canh mo dang tro hoa
Em di trong lanh leo, nhat nhoa
Thang Tu hanh phuc mua an ai
Roi thang Nam ve chot xot xa.
Tran Duc Pho phong dich
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