doi thien nga (swans)
by Sara Teasdale
Night is over the park, and a few brave stars
Look on the lights that link it with chains of gold,
The lake bears up their reflection in broken bars
That seem too heavy for tremulous water to hold.
We watch the swans that sleep in a shadowy place,
And now and again one wakes and uplifts its head;
How still you are -- your gaze is on my face --
We watch the swans and never a word is said.
Man dem buong xuong cong vien
Vai ngoi sao som ket lien chuoi vang
Mat ho vet sang gay ngang
Nuoc duong run ray, luenh loang... qua day
Doi thien nga duoi bong cay
Ngang dau trong luc tinh say chap chon
Anh ngoi lang le ben nang -
Tia mat lap lanh diu dang ngam em –
Hai dua khong noi, ma xem
Doi thien nga no em dem giac ngoan
Tran Duc Pho phong dich
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