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ve tuong lai 1

Tac gia: Tran Minh Hien
Em hat khe
bai tinh ca
hon lang le
Mua ngut xa

nhung ngoc nga
thoi vien tuong
oi ky la
mua yeu thuong

tren dam duong
tinh quyen luyen
mien tuong tuong
con trinh nguyen

nhung con thuyen
con troi mai
vung khoi quyen
ve tuong lai
tran minh hien orlando ngay 2 thang 12 nam 2013
UNTITLED 12022013
I love the way you're loving
I understand the fate of your understanding
Everybody knows getting fat can be so dangerous
But it is nonsense to be treacherous

Since you are my only one
I want to share with you all of my Antigone
Life is the wonder of time
I want to love you until the end of our prime
tran minh hien orlando December 2, 2013

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