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neu em la cua anh

Tac gia: Tran Duc Pho
Neu em la cua rieng minh anh nhi
Kho bau tren doi se xep duoi chan !
Niem mo uoc trong mat nhin tuyet my
Nhac du duong, hy vong ngot ngan lan.
(La cua minh – Neu em hoa tinh nhan !)

Hoa bung no tren buoc duong ta dao
Loi than tien thon thuc suoi hoa reo
Troi tinh tu lung linh mau ky ao
Trai dat thanh giac mo dep tinh yeu
(Trong mat minh – Vi ta co em yeu !)

Dau coi nguon giau kin tan cao xa
Nhu suoi mat tu Thien duong doc nguoc
Se gin giu hon ta xanh co muot
Boi tam nguon vinh cuu suoi tien khoi
(Xanh muon doi – Khi em da yeu toi !)

Va tat ca do Ong To tao tac
Hoi tho nao cung vuong van dam me
Thien duong kia chung mot loi di ve
Ta xay dung mot ngoi nha hanh phuc.
(Cua rieng em – Neu minh yeu chan thuc !)

Le Tran (Tran Duc Pho) dich

October 15, 2016

Nguyen tac:

If Thou'lt Be Mine

If thou'lt be mine, the treasures of air,
Of earth, and sea, shall lie at thy feet;
Whatever in Fancy's eye looks fair,
Or in Hope's sweet music sounds most sweet,
Shall be ours -- if thou wilt be mine, love!

Bright flowers shall bloom wherever we rove,
A voice divine shall talk in each stream;
The stars shall look like world of love,
And this earth be all one beautiful dream
In our eyes -- if thou wilt be mine, love!

And thoughts, whose source is hidden and high,
Like streams that come from heaven-ward hills,
Shall keep our hearts, like meads, that lie
To be bathed by those eternal rills,
Ever green, if thou wilt be mine, love!

All this and more the Spirit of Love
Can breathe o'er them who feel his spells;
That heaven, which forms his home above,
He can make on earth, wherever he dwells,
As thou'lt own, -- if thou wilt be mine, love!

Thomas Moore

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