tam quan trong cua nhung khu vuon
Mot khu vuon se day cho khach vang lai
Mui huong, sac dep, cau truc cua nhanh gai
Da khong dinh dang, boi vo tri
Con nguoi dich chuyen nen chung di
Co mong nhu guom hieu con duong nuoc
Tam mat dat dai ngay mua la duoc
Khu vuon chi dan ra trat tu
Cay coi xanh tuoi nho soi cuoi cheo chong
Tu nhung con duong nho day me hoac
Tinh tam tim den mot linh hon
De tinh than thu thai
Voi nhung gi gian don
Nhu sau, nhu ong, nhu tinh ai
Quen ca chinh minh ta hay choi
De cang manh me, de vui tuoi
De biet coi doi luon ky dieu
Ma khu vuon nho goi cho nguoi
Qua dat tu lau duong nuoi vuon
Ngan sau cung chang can voi nguon
Du khach hang mong mua cham rai
Quen di ly le cua ton vong!
June 23, 2019
Tho dich
Nguyen tac: The importance of gardens
______by Veita Jo Hampton
A garden teaches him or her who wanders through
The texture of a thorny stem, scent and color too.
Rocks do not alone arrange themselves in oval shapes.
We who lift the stones to place them so can traipse
Among the blades of grass and know the way of water
Soaking earth, on any given rainy day, does matter.
A garden suggests order.
Patterns of loose stone encircle plants,
Form walkways that may enchant,
Invite a soul to meditate,
Compel a spirit to contemplate
Simple things like worms, or bees, or love.
Quite out of character one might even stop to pray
For power to grow, to bloom, or sail for one more day,
For understanding life’s mysterious conditions,
Or that the garden might provide new inspiration.
A garden is enriched by Earth’s own past,
Fertilized by things not meant to last.
Wanderers hope for longer growing seasons,
Ignoring how things end, for other reasons.
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