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dem co don (lonesome night)

Lonesome night
Translated by James Wright
From the original "Einsame Nacht" by Hermann Hesse

You brothers, who are mine,
Poor people, near and far,
Longing for every star,
Dream of relief from pain,
You stumbling dumb
At night, as pale stars break,
Lift your think hands for some
Hope, and suffer, and wake,
Poor muddling commonplace,
You sailors who must live
Unstarred by hopelessness,
We share a single face.
Give me my welcome back.

Chung ta deu la anh em
Ke ngheo, vong tuong sao dem, xa gan
Uoc mo cuoc song thanh nhan
Khong sa vao canh lam than khon cung
Dem ve sao vo tu tung
Tan tanh hy vong cuoi cung trong tay
Chi con dau don, chua cay
Cai ngheo cung voi bun lay khap noi
Nhung chang thuy thu toi oi,
Cac anh can phai song doi vuon len
Cung nhau chung mot noi niem
Xin hay chao don hoan nghenh toi ve

Tran Duc Pho dich

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