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thu dau thuong ( i am in pain )

Tac gia: Trieu Nguyen Tam
Thu Dau Thuong
( I Am In Pain)

Somebody finds pleasure in pain
Since you live so much in vain
So pain makes you alive
It verifies that you still wish for life.

I’ve seen many lives dying, kneeling down
Jesus Christ with so many burdens on his bleeding shoulders,
Sacrifice for mankind.
Still I lack the strength and the belief in the miracles he is giving.

I still suffered immensely when my loves leaving
My fleshy desire for them is so real
I just cannot stop missing them !!!
I am so jealous, so melancholic and so hurtful.

It fermented the urge to destroy
My hope to see their hottest bodies again,
The women I love with so much intense
Imagining them in my vivid memories,

My body aching for the perfumes, wavering in their thick and curly hair
Their soft white skin made me burning
My heart melt in agonizing moans
While penetrating deep down their waiting waves

Their warm fluid fuels my ecstasy
Flowing through the shaking, gripping eyes.
They embrace me with such a vise
And pause my breathing, digging in their wet greedy lips.

But every love carries the tragic grief,
In the inherited perfect lies that shamed us with desspair
Seeing each other with naked desire
The dark empty abyss of our soul.

The human heart is ridiculously amazing
It can absolutely and utterly absorb pain
While giving others passionate love at the same time
It never knows what betrayal means.

It can cause you so much pain
That you feel disgusted yourselves,
With worthless feeling that debased you!,
And you will surrender to the torture

Of the hellish force of your own desire.

Trieu Nguyen Tam
April 20, 2021.

Thu Dau Thuong

Tinh ta phieu lang mien ly biet
Om ap thuong dau mot loi ve
Ten vao tim le con tha thiet
Be gay doi trang lo hen the.

Ta da qui nhin nguoi thap gia
Dong nhieu dinh mau chay hai vai
Mat dam sau dem den gia lanh
Thieu long tin kho den tan phai.

Chua ngoi cao giao duong im bong
Chiu nhuc hinh thuong ca nghiep duyen
Nghia gi dau chuyen tinh phai lat
Bat hanh nao theo khuc da mien.

Tinh bo ta vuong buon bat tan
Ta van hon ghen van nho mong
Bong giai nhan tuyet tinh loan phung
Hoa nguyet thoi moi trang toa song.

Ta da yeu tung lan mat trong
Than nga ngoc choi voi mi cong
Roi dang cay di sao qua voi
Cuoc tinh tan doi mat xa nguoi.

Loi nguyen nay luom con tim vo
Co nhieu ngan cat nhung duong tinh
Duc vong dam me day cuon hut
Ta yeu nguoi loa the huong trinh.

De giay chet nang tien giang the
Cuoc tinh oan nghiet co nhu khong
Thu dau thuong dinh troi may vuc
Khoanh khac tieu tan mot kiep nguoi.

Tuyen lam day nuoc sa dong le
Nhat nhoa trong duc tham long dau
Ta song doi lenh denh bien ca
Xac than mem day song tim nhau.

Trieu Nguyen Tam
April 19, 2021.

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