cong tru
Ngay xua hoc toan
Cung don gian thoi
Em, anh cong lai
Thi thanh mot doi
Va em anh hieu
Y nghia yin yang
Nguyen nhan hau qua
Dat troi the gian
Nhung gi hoan hao
Phai di co doi
Dieu nay em hieu
Da ro anh oi
Nhung roi bat chot
Anh bo ra di
Doi ta tru mot
Sao chang con chi?
Tru cach nao nua
Van the ma thoi.
(Dich tu nguyen tac Love Equation - hazel clayton harrison):
math was simple then
you plus me equalled one.
with you, I became whole.
I understood the meaning
of yin and yang,
cause and effect,
earth and sky.
don’t good things come in pairs?
then you left.
just when I thought I had
it all figured out. now
two minus one equals
no matter how many
times I subtract.
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