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song de yeu thuong

Tac gia: Bac Pham
Toi xin hoc song nhu Cha da song
Boi yeu long tu trong o noi ong
Dau doi thay quyet chi chang phan van
Phan hay so, chu Tam khong vong dong .

Song doi vo, ngang cao dau tien mai
Dau don dung lam thuoc luyen li chai
Lang nghe tim noi, xoa cuoc co sai
Long tu nhu, cho lam dieu oan trai
Bien vap nga thanh duoc soi tro ngai.

Trong chien thang, voi minh luon phai nho
Vi tha cuoi, gian di van long so
Nhac tham ta, nam co hoi de roi
Lam hanh ly vuot muon ngan kinh kho.

Hoc yeu thuong tu Me hien muon thuo
Doi vai gay oan ganh vac niem mo
Giua toi tam cua ngay thang vo bo
Khi dan Viet nuoc Nam ngung hoi tho
Chon uoc vong duoi tay nguoi man ro.

Me tha minh troi cung muon kho luy
Ni non cau cung dem toi uy nghi
Trong vo tan, Me lang le kien tri
Me, chi Me! dan con khong nga quy.

Toi song boi, bai song doi nga nghiet
Day con minh bai hoc song binh yen
Hoc nguyen cau, roi toi bong an nhien
Nhin trai tro yeu thuong tu kho luyen.

Ngan loi cau, nghia on chua kip tra
Nhung ai tung gieo khon kho cho ta
Me voi Cha, anh, chi, lan em, va
Bang huu, ke tin toi du xa la
Voi Thuong de, Maria, toi dang ta
Xac, hon minh cho hien huu bao la…

Living is loving

I learn to live from my Father
To hold on to my dignity
And to never let myself waiver
Of my beliefs, or my destiny.

In trouble times, to hold my head high
Embracing the hurts, gathering my mind
Listen to my heart, ignore losing fights,
Knowing I've fought for what I've felt right.
Cherishing what lost, as my guiding light .

There are times, when luck is on my side
Be a humble victor, give it my sweetest smiles
Always be a student, never stop to learn
From my defeats, of each living day I earn.

I look at Love, through the suffering of my Mother
Bearing my family's weights on her small shoulders
On those darkest days,
When us, Vietnamese of the South, became losers
To a regime governs by a hand full of murderers.

Throwing herself to the mercy of life
Praying desperately in those darkest nights
In destitute with her trembling sights,
Her love, I swear, helped us all survived.

I breath each day from my life lessons
To guide, to help my daughter, my son,
To pray, to watch and to witness
The fruits of love, turns out to its best.

Thousand of thanks, countless of prayers
To the people that made me suffered
To my parents, my brothers, my sisters
To my true friends, to my believers
And to the Almighty, to Maria, I offer
My sincere soul, my existence...forever.

Nam 2010

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