tam tinh hien dang 28
Doi mat em au lo u buon
Anh mat em uu tu mong tim
Bao noi niem tran tro trong anh
Nhu vang trang muon do luong bien ca
Anh mo long.. phoi bay trong mat em
Ca doi anh.. tung goc nho loi quen...
Con giau giu.. giau gi nua dau em...
Vi le ay.. em khong hieu thau anh
Neu doi anh.. chi la vien da quy
Anh se vo.. thanh tram hat nho xinh
Ket tung hat.. thanh chuoi sang lung linh
Co em cao.. anh trao gui.. gui trao
Neu doi anh.. chi la canh hoa
Tuoi ngat va tran day...
Anh se hai mot bong
Cai len mai toc em...
Dau yeu oi...
Nhung doi anh.. mang hoi tho trai tim
Lam sao biet.. o dau nong sau
Lam sao biet.. dau la ben bo
Dau dieu em da biet...
Khong phai la tat ca
Tam hon anh bao la...
Em van la Nu Hoang.. trong hon anh nguyen ven
Neu trai tim.. mang hoi tho dam me
No se ngat ngay.. trong nhip dap han hoan
Em se thay..
Thau cam mien linh thieng
Neu trai tim.. mang hoi tho u sau
No se tan chay.. thanh giot le sang trong
Lang long ngam.. ve tham kin sau xa
Khong can den.. du chi mot loi thoi...
Dau yeu oi.. nhung do la tinh yeu...
Co dam me.. co u sau sau tham
Cuon cuon.. hun hut nhu dong chay vo thuong
Noi khat khao.. cang tran...
La bao la.. bat tan...
No nong am tha thiet.. nhu hoi tho em thoi
Nhung em se mai.. khong om noi.. mot trai tim tron day..... 💕
*Tho Cu Tagore.. Albert Pho dich tu ban tieng Anh.
Bai so 28.. Tam Tinh Hien Dang
( Trich tu: The Gardener )
Your questioning eyes are sad. They seek to know my meaning as the moon would fathom the sea.
I have bared my life before your eyes from end to end, with nothing hidden or held back. That is why you know me not.
If it were only a gem, I could break it into a hundred pieces and string them into a chain to put on your neck.
If it were only a flower, round and small and sweet, I could pluck it from its stem to set it in your hair.
But it is a heart, my beloved. Where are its shores and its bottom?
You know not the limits of this kingdom, still you are its queen.
If it were only a moment of pleasure it would flower in an easy smile, and you could see it and read it in a moment.
If it were merely a pain it would melt in limpid tears, reflecting its inmost secret without a word.
But it is love, my beloved.
Its pleasure and pain are boundless, and endless its wants and wealth.
It is as near to you as your life, but you can never wholly know it.
#tagore #albertPho #tuanpm
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